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Die Suche nach »G20« hat 99 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
“In China, at least I would have a trial”
Future of Freedom Foundation by Jacob G. Hornberger 09/29/09 The U.S. government has just received the ultimate put-down from one of its Guantanamo prisoners. Arkin Mahmud, a Chinese Uighur who has been... ...
rudkla - 30. Sep, 10:56
R.F.I.D Bracelet Once You Have Had the Swine Flu Vaccination?
http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=ZZ1jnq7DzlA Swine Flu, Mass Vaccinations & G20 http://www.redicecreat ions.com/radio/2009/09sep/ RIR-090927.php NOBODY MADE US COME SO LET'S GET ON WITH IT http://thenofrontiers.b logspot.com/2009/09/fwd-pl ease-read-david-icke.html http://freepage.twoday. net/search?q=RFID https://f reepage.twoday.net/search? q=swine+flu https://freepag e.twoday.net/search?q=H1N1 http://freepage.twoday.ne t/search?q=vaccin ...
rudkla - 30. Sep, 08:58
Police Use Painful New Weapon on G20 Protesters
Allison Kilkenny, AlterNet: "Pittsburgh police demonstrated the latest in crowd control techniques on protesters when they used 'sound cannons' to blast the ears of citizens near the G-20 meeting of world... ...
rudkla - 29. Sep, 18:10
G20 gescheitert: Gipfel geht zentrale Krisenursachen nicht an
Globalisierungsproteste: G20-Gipfel in Pittsburgh 24./25. September 09 Das Casino bleibt geöffnet. G20-Gipfel verabschiedet Boni-Regelung und verschiebt andere Beschlüsse auf 2012 „Vor... ...
rudkla - 28. Sep, 16:29
The system is broken
Job losses, early retirements hurt Social Security Yuma Sun 09/27/09 Big job losses and a spike in early retirement claims from laid-off seniors will force Social Security to pay out more in benefits... ...
rudkla - 28. Sep, 08:50
How pitifully fearful our leaders have become
Street Report from the G20 By Bill Quigley For days, downtown Pittsburgh, home to the G20, was a turned into a militarized people-free ghost town. Sirens screamed day and night. Helicopters crisscrossed... ...
rudkla - 27. Sep, 22:39
Weltweiter Aufruf von Unternehmern für mehr Klimaschutz
60 bis 70 Prozent weniger Kohlendioxid-Emissionen in Deutschland bis 2050 möglich Wenn allen Anwendungsbereichen und in der Energieerzeugung ausnahmslos energieeffizienteste Technologien zum Einsatz... ...
rudkla - 27. Sep, 08:13
National Guard Prepare For Crowd Control Duties
Maximum Alert: U.S. Troops Now Occupying America Military readies checkpoints for swine flu pandemic after citizens are acclimated to accept presence of uniformed soldiers undertaking law enforcement... ...
rudkla - 23. Sep, 22:16
Afghanistan: the West has defeated itself
McChrystal’s conundrum AntiWar.Com by Justin Raimondo 09/23/09 McChry stal himself fails to grasp the essential fact about the country he is invading and occupying, which is that Afghans —... ...
rudkla - 23. Sep, 14:26
Patriot Act Provisions Get Obama Support
ABC News 09/15/09 “The Justice Department has indicated that the Obama administration is in support of renewing a pair of controversial sections of the USA Patriot Act that expire later this year.... ...
rudkla - 16. Sep, 13:39