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Die Suche nach »Dahr Jamail« hat 120 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Iraq swimming in blood once again
And So It Goes ... Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "Last week found Iraq swimming in blood once again. Attacks last Thursday brought the worst violence Iraq has seen in over a year, with at least 96 Iraqis killed... ...
rudkla - 28. Apr, 09:21
The Horrible Truth
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "The US occupation of Iraq, which has become the full responsibility of President Barack Obama, is once again a bloodbath. Not that it had ceased to be violent, brutal and chaotic,... ...
rudkla - 24. Apr, 22:30
In Iraq, time leaves bloody marks upon each day of the ongoing US occupation
Human Body Parts Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "In Iraq, time leaves bloody marks upon each day of the ongoing US occupation. The policies of the Obama administration, adopted from the Bush administration, continue... ...
rudkla - 18. Apr, 09:43
Iraq in Fragments
Dahr Jamail, Foreign Policy In Focus: "On Wednesday, March 25, Major General David Perkins of the US military, referring to how often the US military was being attacked in Iraq, told reporters in Baghdad,... ...
rudkla - 16. Apr, 10:20
No Coincidences in Iraq
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "Following George W. Bush's example of keeping war funding off the books, President Barack Obama is seeking $83.4 billion in additional 'emergency' funding for the American wars... ...
rudkla - 14. Apr, 08:32
The Storm Widens
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "One week after Iraqi government forces arrested an Awakening Group (commonly referred to as Sons of Iraq, al-Sahwa) leader, Adil al-Mashhadani, head of a patrol unit in central... ...
rudkla - 7. Apr, 08:52
Still Homeless in Baghdad
Dahr Jamail, Inter Press Service: "'We only want a normal life,' says Um Qasim, sitting in a bombed-out building in Baghdad. She and others around have been saying that for years. Um Qasim lives with 13... ...
rudkla - 20. Feb, 10:26
Boys With Toys
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "It is not the threat of violence that weighs on the people of Iraq. It is the omnipresent occurrence of violence that has resulted in the desperate nation wide chant, 'We are tired.... ...
rudkla - 16. Feb, 22:32
The New Fallujah
Dahr Jamail, TomDispatch.com: "Driving through Fallujah, once the most rebellious Sunni city in this country, I saw little evidence of any kind of reconstruction underway. At least 70 percent of that city's... ...
rudkla - 15. Feb, 08:37
Full Circle
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "Among things that have not changed in Iraq is one that I hope never changes. After a four-year-long absence, each of my meetings here with former friends and fresh acquaintances... ...
rudkla - 8. Feb, 22:55