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Die Suche nach »Aijaz Ahmad« hat 10 Resultate geliefert.
Why does US need military bases around the world?
Aijaz Ahmad: What would a rational American foreign policy look like? http://therealnews.c om/t/index.php?option=com_ content&task=view&id=33&It emid=74&jumival=168 htt p://freepage.twoday.net/se arch?q=military+bases http ://freepage.twoday.net/sea rch?q=foreign+policy http: //freepage.twoday.net/sear ch?q=Aijaz+Ahmad ...
rudkla - 8. Jul, 18:36
What's a rational American foreign policy?
Aijaz Ahmad: Start with the question, why does the US have to be the most powerful country on earth? http://therealnews .com/t/index.php?option=co m_content&task=view&id=31& Itemid=74&jumival=1833 Who... ...
rudkla - 18. Jul, 17:18
AIPAC: Drumbeats of War?
Aijaz Ahmad: McCain ignores facts claiming Tehran poses an unacceptable risk. http://tinyurl.com/4 rut73 Bill Kristol At AIPAC Obama And McCain "Don't Actually Differ" On Iran. http://www.huffingto npost.com/2008/06/02/bill- kristol-at-aipac-oba_n_104 799.html Only... ...
rudkla - 11. Mär, 09:21
Why blame Iran?
Aijaz Ahmad on the Petraeus hearings and why the neo-cons target Iran. http://therealnews.com/web /index.php?thisdataswitch= 0&thisid=1321&thisview=ite m Candidates jockey for position on... ...
rudkla - 10. Apr, 17:14
No international support for attack on Iran
Aijaz Ahmad: Iran stands firm on nuclear issue, brokered peace agreement in Iraq. http://therealnews.c om/web/index.php?thisdatas witch=0&thisid=1303&thisvi ew=item https://freepage .twoday.net/topics/Is+Iran +next/ http://freepage.two day.net/search?q=Aijaz+Ahm ad ...
rudkla - 8. Apr, 17:00
Croatians demonstrate against Bush and NATO
US President visits new NATO member Croatia in show of support for ally government. http://therea lnews.com/web/index.php?th isdataswitch=0&thisid=1294 &thisview=item NATO thwarts Bush Aijaz... ...
rudkla - 5. Apr, 17:48
Bush's State of the Union
Aijaz Ahmad: Bush uses less belligerent words, but still ignores reality. http://therealnew s.com/web/index.php?thisda taswitch=0&thisid=898&this view=item https://freepa ge.twoday.net/search?q=Sta te+of+the+Union https://fre epage.twoday.net/search?q= Aijaz+Ahmad ...
rudkla - 4. Feb, 17:27
Bush's version of Iraq surge success misleading
Aijaz Ahmad on Bush's State of the Union address. http://therealnew s.com/web/index.php?thisda taswitch=0&thisid=899&this view=item https://freepa ge.twoday.net/search?q=Sta te+of+the+Union https://fre epage.twoday.net/search?q= troop+surge https://freepag e.twoday.net/search?q=Aija z+Ahmad ...
rudkla - 3. Feb, 22:51
CIA vs. the White House?
http://therealnews.com/web /index.php?thisdataswitch= 0&thisid=691&thisview=item http://freepage.twoday .net/search?q=Aijaz+Ahmad ...
rudkla - 17. Dez, 23:51
Iraq forever?
The American Prospect by Spencer Ackerman 09/18/07 Having lost the battle over the surge, Democrats in the Senate are back to an incrementalist approach to the war. After Bush endorsed General David... ...
rudkla - 19. Sep, 19:19