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Die Suche nach »Afghan base« hat 157 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
The value of an Obama promise
Obama’s swelling ego Boston Globe by Jeff Jacoby 11/14/09 Presiden t Obama was too busy to attend the celebrations in Germany this week marking the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. … He said nothing... ...
rudkla - 16. Nov, 11:43
How America's Wars Are Systematically Destroying Our Liberties
Bring Them Home, Mr. President Eugene Robinson: "The most dreadful burden of the presidency -- the power to send men and women to die for their country -- seems to weigh heavily on Barack Obama these... ...
rudkla - 14. Nov, 09:35
Soldiers not surprised by Fort Hood massacre
"It's basically that the Army has an awesome way of getting you ready for war," he continued. "It gets you in that mindset to go over there and fight, but whenever you come back, they don't have a way... ...
rudkla - 24. Nov, 23:14
Afghanistan's Sham Army
By Chris Hedges American military advisers who work with the Afghan National Army, or ANA, speak of poorly trained and unmotivated Afghan soldiers who have little stomach for military discipline and... ...
rudkla - 13. Nov, 10:10
Italian Court Sentences 23 CIA Agents Over Rendition Flight
By Richard Owen in Rome The Americans were all tried in absentia, but the verdicts were nevertheless hailed by human rights campaigners as an important victory that could open the way to further prosecutions.... ...
rudkla - 6. Nov, 10:24
U.S. Dependence On Afghan Warlords
Taliban Take Over Afghan Province By Syed Saleem Shahzad The United States has withdrawn its troops from its four key bases in Nuristan, on the border with Pakistan, leaving the northeastern province... ...
rudkla - 30. Okt, 06:21
Soldier's mother wants Tony Blair to answer for Iraq war
The mother of a teenage soldier killed in Iraq broke down today as she told an inquiry she wanted Tony Blair to be held to account for the "illegal war". http://www.guardian .co.uk/uk/2009/oct/23/mili tary-defence Bonaparte. .. ...
rudkla - 16. Nov, 23:26
Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?
GLENN LYONS salon.com - The country poses no threat to the U.S., but the war costs lives, drains the treasury and makes. http://www.ourfutu re.org/progressive-opinion /2009104322/why-are-we-sti ll-afghanistan -------- The... ...
rudkla - 23. Okt, 10:03
McChrystal's 40,000 Troop Hoax
Robert Naiman, Truthout: "General McChrystal says that if President Obama does not approve 40,000 more US troops for Afghanistan, and approve them right away, 'our mission' - whatever that is - will likely... ...
rudkla - 16. Okt, 11:04
The first ever Nobel Prize for glamor
Nolan Chart by BS Kalafut 10/11/09 Neither the past omissions nor the weaker or more ephemeral awards put the Nobel Committee’s bona fides in categorical doubt. Each recipient won the award for some... ...
rudkla - 13. Okt, 11:07